Saturday, July 7, 2018

Best Way to Make Money With Fiverr Gig

What is Fiverr?
Fiverr is the best marketplace for services starting at just $5. Lots of people buy and sell services everyday through Fiverr and grow their business and earning.


These offered services are called “GIGS” on Fiverr. You can find almost anything you need. People from all over the world visit the site to offer their services and expertise. But before purchasing any gig make sure to read the previous review and if you are going to work on it, Don’t spam because good rating and feedback is also very important.
So if you are ready to start making money on Fiverr, Then follow the steps below.
Yes, this is true you can also make that much if you are experienced with any kind of services that people’s mostly needed. Like logo designs, website fixes, article writing, SEO and much more. All you have to do is do what you can do and do it perfectly so clients would love to get back to you.
Gig Sample Work:
Fiverr Gig Sample
This a sample design of a gig, it’s simple and easy and this 1 design cost $5.
You can sell testimonial videos, photos, animation video, hand draw cartoons illustrations or a 300 words article. It’s fun too πŸ™‚.
“Register On Fiverr“
Step By Step Process For Fiverr Gig
I have explained each and everything is very simple steps and do it exactly so you don’t get any trouble.
Follow the steps below:
Step 1- Create a New Fiverr Gig
So let’s create your first Fiverr Gig. (I’ll guide for video testimonial gig, you can use your service details).
Keep the title easy, simple, short and to the point – “I will do professional 30sec video testimonial”.
Make Money With Fiverr Gigs step (1)
Browse Fiverr market and see what others are using and getting successes but don’t copy them πŸ™‚create your own creative ideas.
Select appropriate category related to your gig.
It’s time to explain a creative description about your gig and services. Make sure you provide each and every details about your gig.
Do not repeat a single work too many time, that is not acceptable in description so just make it simple and point to point, don’t worry you will still get ranked that’s my promise πŸ™‚.
Now it’s time to select the best keyword, like “video testimonial, product video review, short video testimonial.”
Note: only 3 tags are allowed so use perfect ones.
Step 2- Gig Rates and Time-frames
Always do tricks on fiverr gig. They have gig extras and take advantage of that. Like if your gig is $5 for 30sec video, add extra gig $10 for 1min video testimonial and so on and you can have a lot with that.
Make Money With Fiverr Gigs step (2)
Step 3- Gig Requirements
You’re almost done, it’s time to ask your client what you will need to start.
Like in my sample gig i would ask these questions.
1- What is your company name
2- Company Info
3- Successful Projects done by company

4- Short Brief for testimonial
Make Money With Fiverr Gigs step (3)
Step 4- Gig Image Presentation
If you search for similar gigs you will notice some of them have very creative images with some details about their gig and results that helps them to get more clients and attraction.
You can use Photoshop to add some text to your images or your can hire someone to do it for your that is the first impression from your gig so make it as best as possible.
Step 5- Publish
“So now what are you waiting for πŸ™‚ hit Publish and you are good to go.”
Tips and Tricks of Getting Ranked #1
When you have done each and every step above and your gig is published, now you can move to get it ranked 1st for any keyword.
All fiverr needs to rank your gig is fast impact. So bring some impressions to your gig you can do this my texting other fiver users clients or can share your gig to social media and when your gig will start getting visitors it will rank your gig higher and higher.
There is 1 more step you have to do that is must.
Create a new fiverr account and purchase your gig about 2-3 times and after 24hrs leave positive review and rating and i can guarantee you will get orders and messages from clients like you have never think about.
After getting orders and money you have earned from gig spend some of it on your own gig like purchase any gig on fiverr to share your gig on social media sites that will bring huge traffic to your gig.
Final Words:
If you have never checked out Fiverr before you need to go there right now and CHECK IT OUT !  The premise of the site is very simple, regular people (like you and me) will sell products, services, themselves (in a manner of speaking) for $5 a pop.
Why do we care?  I’ll tell you why you should care.  Because you like money.  Period.  Confused?  Let’s make it crystal clear for you.
There are TONS of ways to make money using Fiverr.  Some people who build a business which they use as their full-time income off of Fiverr.
There are people who set take a few days to set up a method and pull in hundreds, or thousands, or tens of thousands of dollars a month using Fiverr.  And I’m going to tell you how they do it because I see them do it, and I do it myself.
Tips for finding the best Fiverr gigs
Here are a few little things you should know about finding the best gigs on Fiverr.
They aren’t all just $5
Some of the more high quality items on Fiverr will charge you more by saying an item is worth multiple gigs. So if you find an amazing painter that takes 10 days to do some art it might cost you 10 gigs or $50.
Watch the ETA
When you order a gig you’ll see that they have estimated times of delivery. Make sure you check that before you buy as you might get stuck without an image for a post or some other deadline.
Contact them first
There is a contact button under the gig description for every item. Always contact the seller before you pay the money to make sure they are a good fit for your project.
Shop around
Don’t just go with the first person that you find. Add a bunch of “maybes” to your favorite list and then work through and study the testimonials and work examples to come up with the best.
Leave feedback and answer messages
Fiverr seems to reward responsiveness. If you plan on using it regularly make sure you reply to messages and leave feedback as quickly as possible. Puts you in good standing.
Don’t get fake things done
One of the most popular categories on Fiverr at the moment is fake testimonials. This is where someone pretends to be your customer and reads out a raving review. Please don’t do this. It’s unethical and, in fact, illegal in some countries.
Be careful
Don’t ever send money to anyone or give out personal contact details. It should go without saying but there is a reason sites like Fiverr ask you to do everything in a transparent and on-site way.
After a while you will get a sixth sense for spotting the better services. The best thing about it all is that if you buy a bad one you’ve only wasted $5.

Have you used Fiverr?
I’d be interested to know whether any of you have used Fiverr to get anything done or whether you find other sites to be more useful. Also if you have any suggestion or review please leave a comment and i would be happy to add some more details in this article.

Friday, June 29, 2018

Best WordPress Hosting Guide 2016

I am going to start my blog with the first guide of selecting best WordPress Hosting and here I’ll try my best to explain each and every aspect in choosing the WordPress hosting 2016 for your website.


We always think it’s so easy to start a blog and it is but in near future everyone gets stuck because of the mistakes they do while selecting the hosting, this is the best possible WordPress hosting guide 2017. WordPress themes or plugins.

What Will You Learn?

After a lot of years of blogging and getting succeeded, i have decided to help you upcoming guys who are looking to start a blog or website.

As I did a lot of mistakes in the past and I don’t want you guys to make that too so you can avoid all of them.

Features You Need

  • Server Uptime Importance
  • Hosting Type Selection
  • Cheap But Great Hosting
  • List of Hosting Companies
  • The Features You Need

Before you sign up for a managed WordPress Web hosting service, you should look for these attractive—and possibly essential—features.

Ideally, you’ll want to invest in a managed WordPress host that provides unlimited monthly data transfers, email, storage, and 24/7 support.

There are quite a few managed WordPress Web hosts that place caps on those features; WP Engine, for example, limits sites to 100,000 visitors and a paltry 10GB of storage.

If you expect lots of site growth, you’ll want a host that can properly accommodate your website’s future expansion.

Additionally, you’ll want a service that offers Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) if you plan to sell products. Ever see a green padlock in your browser’s address bar while you’re on your bank’s website? That’s the symbol that tells visitors that SSL is in place. It’s a symbol of trustworthiness.

Most Important: If you want to use a website that host videos, you must select a ffmpeg hosting because normal will not support video hosting and will make a lot of issues in a website.

Uptime Importance

All above features are valuable to the Web hosting experience, but none matches the importance of site uptime. If your site is down, clients or customers will be unable to find you or access your blog or your products or services.

I have added the list of best WordPress hosting companies they have almost 99.9% uptime history and are best for your business. They also have 24/7 customer support so if you have any kind of issue you can contact them anytime. 

Shared, VPS, dedicated or managed hosting?

When you go to sign-up for hosting, one of the first things you’ll be asked is whether you’d like to buy shared, VPS (which stands for Virtual Private Server), dedicated or managed to host.

Often overlooked, web hosting is one of the key components of every successful website. Choosing the best web hosting for your needs can improve your SEO and increase sales.

There are various different types of WordPress hosting options available such as Free, Shared, VPS, Dedicated, and managed WordPress hosting. In this guide.

As longtime website owners and hosting nerds, I’ve been asked often: “Which web host is your personal favorite?” I recently decided to take this question seriously — exhaustively testing accounts with all the top hosts to analyze their uptime, features, pricing, support, and more.  So before selecting any of the hostings make sure you check customer reviews of uptime and server speed.

If server speed and uptime is good you can use shared hosting as it is cheap and good to start a new blog but as your business will grow you can convert to VPS hosting as it is the fastest and best for big business.